Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
3To play the message
4To re-record the message
5Add to the recorded message
6Discard the recorded message
1discard the message
2discard the message
7discard the message
8discard the message
3Play the recorded message
4Re-record the message
5Add to the recorded message
6Discard the recorded message
5-3Play the message
5-4Re-record the message
5-5Add to the message
5Access more options
4-3Play the recorded message
4-4Re-record the message
4-5Add to the recorded message
4-6Discard the recorded message
4Access more options
3send the message or hang up
3-3play the message
3-4re-record the message
3-5add to the message
3-6discard the message
5-6to discard the message
3Play the message
4Re-record the message
5Add to the message
6Discard the message
6-3Play the message
6-4Re-record the message
6-5Add to the message
6-6Discard the message
6Send the message or hang up
4-3-3Play the message
4-3-4Re-record the message
4-3-5Add to the message
4-3-6Discard the message
4-3Send the message or hang up
5hang up or send the message
5-3play the message
5-4re-record the message
5-5add to the message
5-6discard the message
5-1discard the message
5-2discard the message
5-7discard the message
5-8discard the message
5-5Access more options
5-5-3Play the message
5-5-4Re-record the message
5-5-5Add to the message
5-5-6Discard the message
3Play the message
4Re-record the message
3-6Access more options
3-6-3Play the message
3-6-4Re-record the message
3-6-5Add to the message
3-5-3To play the message
3-5-4To re-record the message
3-5-5To add to the message
3-5-6To discard the message
3-5To send the message or hang up
3-4-3Play the recorded message
3-4-4Re-record the message
3-4-5Add to the recorded message
3-4-6Discard the recorded message
3-4Access more options or hang up
6-4To access the directory of extensions
6-5To add to the message
6-6To discard the message
6-5access more options
5-5-3send the message or hang up
5-5-3-3play the message
5-5-3-4re-record the message
5-5-3-5add to the message
5-5Record your message at the tone
5-5-3Play the message
5-8-3Play the message
5-8-4Re-record the message
5-8-5Add to the message
5-8-6Discard the message
5-8Send the message or hang up
4-3-6send the message
4-3-6-3play the message
4Send the message or hang up
4-3Play the message
4-4Re-record the message
4-5Add to the message
4-6Discard the message
5-5-4-5To discard it.
5-5-4-6No action specified.
3-5send the message
3-5-3play the message
3-6-5send the message
3-6-5end the call
3-6-5play invalid selection message
3-6-5attempt to enter an extension
3-6-4-3Play the recorded message
3-6-4-4Re-record the message
3-6-4-5Add to the recorded message
3-6-4-6Discard the recorded message
3-6-4Access more options
5-5-3-5-4Select option 4
5-5-3-5-2Select option 2
5-5-3-4-6Select option 6
5-8Press pound to send the message or hang up.
5-8-3Press 3 to play the message.
5-5-3Get more options
6-5-4Access the directory of extensions
6-5Access more options
4-5Spell the last and first name
4-5Enter a new name
4-4-3Play the recorded message
4-4-4Re-record the message
4-4-5Add to the recorded message
4-4-6Discard the recorded message
4-4Send the recorded message or hang up