Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1For service in English
2For questions to store support
3For merchants or partners interested in adding Klarna payments
4For all other enquiries
1-1For service in English
1-2For merchant support enquiries
1-3For merchants or partners interested in adding Klarna payments to your site
1-4For all other enquiries
1To hear the choices again
1For questions to our customer service
2For questions to our store support
3If you are a store or partner interested in adding one or more Klarna payment solutions
4For other questions or matters
4-1For customer service
4-2To report your Klarna card as lost or stolen
4-3To speak with our security department regarding an order you do not recognize or approve
3-1For customer service inquiries
3-2For store support inquiries
3-3For stores or partners interested in adding Klarna's payment solutions
3-4For other questions or matters
3To hear the options again
2-1For service in English
1-1For customer service
1-2To report your Klarna card as lost or stolen
1-3If you are calling about an order made with your details that you do not recognize or approve and want to talk to our security department
1-4-1For customer service
1-4-2To report your Klarna card as lost or stolen
1-4-3To speak with our security department regarding an order you do not recognize or approve
3-3-1For questions to our customer service
3-3-2For questions to our store support
3-3-3If you are a store or partner interested in adding Klarna's payment solutions
3-3-4For other questions or matters
3-3To hear the options again
2-0To choose a department
1-1-1To ensure you speak with the right department.
2-1-1For service in English
3-3-3-1For questions to our store support
3-3-3-2If you are a store or partner interested in adding one
3-3-3-3For other questions or matters
3-3-3-4To hear the options again
3-3-3To hear the options again
3-3-1-1For service in English
3-3-1-2To report your Klarna card as lost or stolen
3-3-1-3To speak with our security department regarding an order you do not recognize or approve
1-4-1-1If you are calling about a return, have not received your goods, or have questions about your goods or their delivery.
1-3-1If you do not want your call to be recorded, press 1.
2-0-1For service in English
1-4-3-1If you do not want your call to be recorded
2-1-1-1For questions to ensure you speak with the right department.
1-1-1-1For service in English
3-3-1-2-1For questions to our customer service.
3-3-1-1-1Inquire about a return
3-3-3-1-1For service in English
1-3-1-1For questions to our store support
1-3-1-2If you are a store or to ensure you speak with the right department, please choose 1
1-4-1-1-1For service in English
3-3-3-3-1For questions to our store support
3-3-3-3-2If you are a store or partner interested in adding one or more of Klarna's payment solutions
3-3-3-3-3For other questions or matters
3-3-3-3-4To hear the options again
3-3-3-3To hear the options again
1-4-3-1-1For questions to our customer service
2-0-1-1For service in English
1-3-1-2-2If you are a store or partner interested in speaking with the right department.
1-3-1-1-1For service in English
1-3-1-2-2-1For service in English