Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Give consent for recording or monitoring the call
2Proceed without recording or monitoring
2-2Press 2.
1-1to give permission for recording or monitoring this conversation
1-2to proceed without recording or monitoring
2-2-1Give consent for recording or monitoring the call
2-2-2Proceed without recording or monitoring the call
1-1-1Give consent for recording or monitoring the conversation
1-1-2Proceed without recording or monitoring
2-2-2-1to record or monitor this conversation
2-2-2-0to continue without recording this conversation
1-1-1-1Give consent for recording or monitoring the call
1-1-1-2Proceed without recording or monitoring
2-2-2-1-1to continue without recording or monitoring
1-1-1-2-1to monitor this conversation
1-1-1-2-2to continue without recording or monitoring