Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Create home appliances
2Contact Siemens company health insurance
3All matters related to Siemens
5For all matters related to Siemens Energy
5-1You will be redirected to our telephone center.
2-1For business customers of Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Health Seniors or Mobility
2-2For inquiries regarding household appliances
2-3For contact with the Siemens operating card cash desk
2-5For all matters related to Siemens Energy
3-1For business customers of Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Health Seniors or Mobility
3-2For inquiries regarding household appliances
3-3For contact with the Siemens operating card office
3-5For all matters related to Siemens Energy
1-3Contact Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse
2-5-1To hear the service emergency numbers from Siemens