Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1For business customers of Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Healthineers, or Mobility
2For inquiries regarding household appliances
3For contact with Siemens company health insurance
5For all matters related to Siemens Energy
4Topics regarding Siemens Energy Corporation
4-2For inquiries regarding household appliances
4-0For contact with the Siemens company health insurance
2-1For business customers of Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Health Seniors or Mobility
2-2For inquiries regarding household appliances
2-3For contact with the Siemens company health insurance
2-4For all matters related to Siemens Energy
2-5For all other inquiries, please stay on the line or press 5
3-1For business customers of Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Health Seniors or Mobility
3-2For inquiries regarding household appliances
3-3For contact with the Siemens operating card cash desk
3-5For all matters related to Siemens Energy
1-1Receive support in English or for business customer inquiries
1-2Inquire about home appliances
1-3Contact Siemens company health insurance
1-4Inquire about Siemens Energy Corporation
1-5Stay on the line for further assistance