Habitat For Humanity International
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Reach a specific person
2Housing related needs
3Make a financial donation
4Plan Giving Stock Team
5Donate items
6Update contact information or account changes
7Represent a Habitat affiliate
8Para Español
8-8For Spanish
8-1For English
8-2For Spanish
7-1If you have needs related to housing
7-2To make a financial donation
6-1If you know the name of the person you are trying to reach
6Para Español
5-1If you know the name of the person you are trying to reach
5-2If you have needs related to housing
5-3To make a financial donation
5-4For the Plan Giving Stock Team or Extension 3614
5-5To donate items
5-6To update your contact information or make changes to your account
5-7If you represent a Habitat affiliate
4-4to donate items
3-1If you have needs related to housing
3-2To make a financial donation
2-8For Spanish, press eight.
2-1If you know the name of the person you are trying to reach, press one.
2-2If you have needs related to housing, press two.
2-3To make a financial donation, press three.
2-4For the plan giving stock team or extension 3614, press four.
2-5To donate items, press five.
2-6To update your contact information or make changes to your account, press six.
2-7If you represent a Habitat affiliate, press seven.
1Dial the person's name using the keypad
2-2-1For English, press 1
2-2-2For Spanish, press 2
2-1-1For the Planned Giving Stock Team or Extension 360
2-1-2To make a financial donation
2-1-3For English