Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Leave a comment about our broadcast
2Get information about shows tickets
3Access the company directory
0To speak to a ticket office representative during normal business hours
4To re-record the message
5To add to the message
6To discard the message
2-1For information about Saturday Night Live
2-2For information about The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
2-3For information about Late Night with Seth Meyers
2-0To speak to a ticket office representative during normal business hours
1-1Leave a comment for NBC News
1-2For MSNBC
0-1Leave a comment about our broadcast
0-2Get information about shows tickets
0-3Access the company directory
6-1Leave a comment about our broadcast
6-2Get information about shows tickets
6-3Access the company directory
5-1Leave a comment about our broadcast
5-2Get information about shows tickets
5-3Access the company directory
4-1Leave a comment about our broadcast
4-2Get information about shows tickets
4-3Access the company directory
1-3Access the company directory
0-1-1Leave a comment for NBC News
0-1-2Leave a comment for MSNBC
1-2-3To play the message
1-2-4To re-record the message
1-2-5To add to the message
1-2-6To discard the message
1-1-2access company directory to leave comments
1-1-3play the message
1-1-4re-record the message
1-1-5add to the message
1-1-6discard the message
2-0-1For information about Saturday Night Live
2-0-2For information about The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon
2-0-3For information about Late Night with Seth Meyers
2-0-0To speak to a ticket office representative during normal business hours
2-3-1For information about Saturday Night Live
2-3-2For information about The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon
2-3-3For information about Late Night with Seth Meyers
2-3-0To speak to a ticket office representative during normal business hours
2-2-1For information about Saturday Night Live
2-2-2For information about the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon
2-2-3For information about Late Night with Seth Meyers
2-2-0To speak to a ticket office representative during normal business hours
2-1-1For information about Saturday Night Live
2-1-2For information about The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
2-1-3For information about Late Night with Seth Meyers
2-1-0To speak to a ticket office representative during normal business hours
5-2-3Transfer your call
4-1-1Leave a comment for NBC News
4-1-2Leave a comment for MSNBC
4-2-1Leave a comment about the broadcast
4-2-2Get information about The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
4-2-3Get information about Late Night with Seth Meyers
4-3-1For information about shows and tickets
5-1-3Access the company directory
5-1-1Leave a comment for NBC News
6-3-2Inquire about show tickets
6-2-1Get information about our broadcast
6-1-1Leave a comment for NBC News
6-1-2Leave a comment for MSNBC
0-3-1Leave a comment about our broadcast
1-2Access more options
1-1Access more options or hang up
1-1-5-1information about shows, tickets, to leave a message
1-1-5-3play the message
1-1-5-4re-record the message
1-1-5-5add to the message
1-1-5-6discard the message
1-1-3-2shows tickets
1-1-3-3play the message
1-1-3-4re-record the message
1-1-3-5add to the message
1-1-3-6discard the message
1-1-2-3To play it
1-1-2-4To re-record it
1-1-2-5To add to it
1-1-2-6To discard it
1-2-3-3to play it
1-2-3-4to add to it
1-2-3-5to rerecord it
0-1-2-3To play it
0-1-2-4To re-record it
0-1-2-5To add to it
0-1-2-6To discard it
0-1-1-1information about shows
0-1-1-3play the message
0-1-1-4add to the message
0-1-1-5discard the message
0-1-1-6rerecord the message
1-1-5Access more options
1-1-3For more options
1-1-2For more options, press pound or hang up.
1-2-3for more options
0-1-2Access more options
0-1-1Access more options
1-1-2-1Leave a comment about our broadcast
1-1-5-4-3Play the recorded message
1-1-5-4-4Re-record the message
1-1-5-4-5Add to the recorded message
1-1-5-4-6Discard the recorded message
1-1-5-4Access more options
1-1-5-5-1Leave a comment
1-1-5-5More options
1-1-5-5-3Play the message
1-1-5-5-4Re-record the message
1-1-5-5-5Add to the message
1-1-5-5-6Discard the message
1-1-5-6-2Press for tickets
1-1-5-6Press for more options or hang up to send the message
1-1-5-6-3Press to play the message
1-1-5-6-4Press to rerecord the message
1-1-5-6-5Press to add to the message
1-1-5-6-6Press to discard the message
0-1-1-6-1Get information about show tickets
0-1-1-6Access more options or hang up
0-1-1-6-3Play the recorded message
0-1-1-6-4Re-record the message
0-1-1-6-5Add to the recorded message
0-1-1-6-6Discard the recorded message
0-1-1-5-3Play the recorded message
0-1-1-5-4Re-record the message
0-1-1-5-5Add to the recorded message
0-1-1-5-6Discard the recorded message
0-1-1-5Access more options
0-1-1-4-2Access the company directory
0-1-1-4Access more options or hang up
0-1-1-4-3Play the recorded message
0-1-1-4-4Re-record the message
0-1-1-4-5Add to the message
0-1-1-4-6Discard the message
0-1-1-3For more options, press pound or hang up.
0-1-1-3-3To play the message.
0-1-1-3-4To re-record the message.
0-1-1-3-5To add to the message.
0-1-1-3-6To discard the message.
1-1-5-3-1Get information about shows
0-1-1-3-1Leave a comment about the broadcast