Visa Global Customer Care Services
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1For English
2Para Español
3Para Portugues
4Por Francais
5For Deutsch
6Per Italiano
9Para escuchar el menú de servicios nuevamente
2-1Si es un tarjeta valiente Visa
2-2Si es un banco emisor
2-3Si quiere aplicar para una tarjeta Visa o para cualquier otra pregunta
2-9Para escuchar el menú de servicios nuevamente
9-3Selects Portuguese language
9-1Select English or Visa cardholder options
9-2Select financial institution that issues Visa cards
9-4Apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
9-9Hear this menu again
4-1If you are a Visa cardholder
4-2If you are a Visa card issuer
4-3If you want to apply for a Visa card, and for any other questions
4-4To listen to this choice again
4-9To listen to this choice again
6-1If you are the holder of a Visa card
6-2If you are the issuer of a Visa card
6-3To request an emergency replacement card or for any other request
6-9To hear this menu again or for account information such as availability, PIN, or payments
9-9-2For Spanish
9-9-1If you are a Visa card holder
9-9-3If you are a merchant
9-9-4If you would like to apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
9-9-9To hear this menu again
9-4-1Press for English or if you are a Visa cardholder
9-4-2Press if you are a financial institution that issues Visa cards
9-4-3Press if you are a merchant
9-4-4Press to apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
9-4-9Press to hear this menu again
9-2-1If you are a Visa cardholder
9-2-2If you are a financial institution that issues Visa cards
9-2-3If you are a merchant
9-2-4If you would like to apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
9-2-9To hear this menu again or for account information, such as account balance
9-3-1Expedite your request or for Visa card holders
9-3-2For financial institutions that issue Visa cards
9-3-3For merchants
9-3-4To apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
9-3-9To hear this menu again
2-9-5For German, press five.
2-9-1If you are a Visa cardholder, please press 1.
2-9-2If you are a financial institution that issues Visa cards, press 2.
2-9-3If you are a merchant, please press 3.
2-9-4If you would like to apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries, press 4.
2-9-9To hear this menu again, press 9.
2-3-1If you are a Visa cardholder
2-3-2If you are a financial institution that issues Visa cards
2-3-3If you are a merchant
2-3-4If you would like to apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
2-3-9To hear this menu again
2-2-3For Portuguese, press 3.
2-1-1Select English language
2-1-2Select financial institution options
2-1-3Select merchant options
2-1-4Apply for a Visa card or for all other inquiries
2-1-9Repeat this menu
9-4For Spanish
9-4Press for Spanish.