SNAP, Inc.
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1For customer support
2For business inquiries
3For questions about geofilters
4For safety and community guidelines
5If you're calling from law enforcement
6If you're curious about jobs at SNAP, Inc.
6-6Inquire about jobs at Snap Inc.
6Return to the main menu.
6-1Access customer support.
6-2Access business inquiries.
5-1For customer support
5-2For business inquiries
5To return to the main menu
4-1For customer support
4-2For business inquiries
4To return to the main menu
3-1For customer support
3Return to the main menu
1-1For customer support
1Return to the main menu
2-5If you're calling from law enforcement
2-6If you're curious about jobs at Snap Inc.
2To return to the main menu
1-6Thanks for calling.