Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Questions about recent orders
2Place an order or get more information on a product
3Credit cards questions
4Gift cards questions
5GAP Good Rewards questions
6More options
9Para Español
6-1For store feedback or questions
6-2For online support or questions
6-3For credit cards questions
6-9To return to the main menu
6To repeat these options
9For Spanish, press 9.
1For questions about recent orders.
2To place an order or get more information on a product.
3For credit cards questions.
4For gift cards questions.
5For GAP Good Rewards questions.
6For more options.
5-1To place an order or get more information on a product
5-2For credit card assistance
5-9To return to the main menu
5To repeat these options
4-1For questions about recent orders
4-2To buy a gift card
4-3To report a lost or stolen gift card
4-9To return to the main menu
4To repeat these options
2-1For questions about recent orders
2-2To place an order or get more information on a product
2-3For credit cards questions
2-4For gift cards questions
2-5For GAP Good Rewards questions
2-6For more options
2-9Para Español
1-9For Spanish, press 9.
1-1For questions about recent orders.
1-2To place an order or get more information on a product.
1-3For credit cards questions.
1-4For gift cards questions.
1-5For GAP Good Rewards questions.
1-6For more options.
9-2Get information on a product
9-3Get information on credit cards questions
9-1Questions about recent orders
9-4Gift cards questions
9-5GAP Good Rewards questions
9-6More options
9-9Repeat the menu
9Repeat the options