Paramount Plus
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1reach customer service
2access billing information
3for technical support
4for account management
5for general inquiries
8promotional offers
9To speak with an agent
1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
2Technical assistance
3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
4Information for non-subscribers
1-1help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2technical assistance
1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-4information for non-subscribers
2-2For technical assistance
3-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
3-2Technical assistance
3-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
3-4Information for non-subscribers
5-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
5-2Technical assistance
5-3California consumer Privacy Act requests
5-4Information for non-subscribers to Paramount Plus
1Information about watching the NFL or managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
2Technical assistance
3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
4Information for non-subscribers to Paramount Plus
1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
2For technical assistance
3For all California Consumer Privacy Act requests
4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
1How to watch the N or help managing an existing paramount plus subscription
2Technical assistance
3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
4If you currently do not subscribe to paramount plus
1Get more information about managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
2Get technical assistance
3Access California Consumer Privacy Act requests
4Information for non-subscribers to Paramount Plus
8-2Get technical assistance for California consumer private services
7-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-2Technical assistance
7-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-4Information for non-subscribers
5Hear these options again
9-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
9-2For technical assistance
9-3For all California Consumer Privacy Act requests
9-4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
9To hear these options again
7Repeat the options
1To hear these options again
3Repeat the options
3-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
3-2Technical assistance
3-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
3-4Information for non-subscribers
3-1-1How to watch the N or help managing an existing paramount plus subscription
3-1-2Technical assistance
3-1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
3-1-4Hear these options again
1-2-1Information about watching the NFL or managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2-2Technical assistance
1-2-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-2-4Information for non-subscribers to Paramount Plus
1-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2Technical assistance
1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-4Information for non-subscribers
3-1Hear these options again
7-2-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-2-2For technical assistance
7-2-3For all California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-2-4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
7-1-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-1-2Help for subscribers billed by billing partners
8-2-1Information about watching or managing Paramount plus subscription
8-2-2Technical assistance
8-2-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
8-2-4Information for non-subscribers of Paramount plus
4-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
4-2Technical assistance
4-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
4-4Information for non-subscribers
7-4-9For all other calls
7-4To return to the main menu
7-4To hear this information again
7-2To hear these options again
7-1To return to the main menu
7-1To hear these options again
4To hear these options again
3-4-9For all other calls
3-4Return to the main menu
3-4Hear this information again
1-2To hear these options again
1-4-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-4-2Technical assistance
1-4-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-4-4Information for non-subscribers
1-3-1help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-3-2technical assistance
1-3-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-3-4hear these options again
1-1-1help managing an existing paramount plus subscription
1-1-2technical assistance
1-1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-1-4hear these options again
1-2-3-1help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2-3-2technical assistance
1-2-3-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
1-2-3-4information for non-subscribers
7-2-1-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-2-1-2Technical assistance
7-2-1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-2-1-4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
7-2-2-1For password reset
7-2-2-2For device setup
7-2-2-3For streaming assistance
7-2-2-9To speak with an agent
7-2-3-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-2-3-2For technical assistance
7-2-3-3For all California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-2-3-4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
7-2-4-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-2-4-2Technical assistance
7-2-4-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-2-4-4Do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
7-1-1-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-1-1-2For technical assistance
7-1-1-3For all California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-1-1-4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
7-1-2-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
7-1-2-2For technical assistance
7-1-2-3For all California Consumer Privacy Act requests
7-1-2-4If you currently do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
8-2-1-1help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
8-2-1-2technical assistance
8-2-1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
8-2-1-4information for non-subscribers
8-2-3-1help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
8-2-3-2technical assistance
8-2-3-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
8-2-3-4information for non-subscribers
3-1-1Help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
3-1-2Technical assistance
3-1-3California Consumer Privacy Act requests
3-1-4Do not subscribe to Paramount Plus
1-4To hear these options again
1-3To hear these options again
1-1To hear these options again
1-2-3To hear these options again
7-2-1To hear these options again
7-2-2To return to the main menu
7-2-2To hear these options again
7-2-3To hear these options again
7-2-4Hear these options again
7-1-1To hear these options again
7-1-2To hear these options again
8-2-1To hear these options again
8-2-3Repeat the options
3-1To hear these options again
1-3-2-2For technical assistance
1-3-1-1Subscribe to Paramount Plus
1-4-1-1For technical assistance
1-4-1-2For technical assistance
1-2-3-2-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2-3-2-9To speak with an agent
1-2-3-2-0To return to the previous menu
1-2-3-3-1For help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2-3-3-2For password reset
1-2-3-3-3For issues streaming
1-2-3-3-9To speak with an agent
1-2-3-3To return to the previous menu
1-2-3-3To hear this information again
1-2-3-4-1Get help managing an existing Paramount Plus subscription
1-2-3-2Return to the previous menu
1-2-3-2To return to the previous menu
1-2-3-2To return to the previous menu