Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
0speak with a customer service representative
1check your order status
2store information
3product inquiries
5career opportunities
8store hours
9frequently asked questions
6reach career opportunities
0-1For store information, feedback, and concerns
0-2To order or deliver your pickup
1For store information, feedback, and concerns
1For English
2For delivery or pickup
3For product feedback or stock availability
4To follow up on a case
5For all other inquiries
1Transfer for more information about the Ambiano single-serve coffee maker recall
0Stay on the line to be connected to the next available representative
1For store information, feedback, for information regarding employment opportunities and pending job applications
2For our return policy
3For donation information
4For gift cards
5For logistics information
6If you are a service provider
9To return to the main menu or for information regarding employment opportunities and pending job applications
1For store information, feedback, and concerns
2For delivery or pickup
3For product feedback or stock availability
4To follow up on a case
5For all other inquiries
1Transfer for more information about the Ambiano single-serve coffee maker recall
1For store information, feedback, and concerns
2For delivery or pickup
3For product feedback or stock availability
4To follow up on a case
5For all other inquiries
0Stay on the line to be connected to the next available representative