Fannie Mae

Simple steps to connect

Phone number


How to call
  • 1
    If you are a single-family lender, seller, mortgage broker, or servicer
  • 2
    If you are a multi-family lender or servicer
  • 3
    If you are an investor or to reach fixed income securities
  • 4
    If you are a homeowner, homebuyer, or realtor
    If you are a homeowner, homebuyer, or realtor
  • 5
    For technology application assistance
  • 6
    For all other inquiries
  • To repeat this menu, press the star key.
    To repeat this menu, press the star key.
  • 0
    To return to the previous menu
  • 7
    For the automated employee directory
  • 6-1
    For English, press 1.
    For English, press 1.
  • 6-2
    servicer, press 2.
    servicer, press 2.
  • 6-3
    If you are an investor or to reach fixed income securities, press 3.
    If you are an investor or to reach fixed income securities, press 3.
  • 6
    To repeat this menu, press the star key.
    To repeat this menu, press the star key.
  • 2-1
    If you are a single-family lender, seller, mortgage broker, or technology application assistant
    If you are a single-family lender, seller, mortgage broker, or technology application assistant
  • 2-2
    For acquisitions committing and delivering
    For acquisitions committing and delivering
  • 2-3
    For master servicing
    For master servicing
  • 2
    To repeat this menu
    To repeat this menu
  • 2-0
    To return to the previous menu
    To return to the previous menu
  • 0-1
    If you are a single-family lender, seller, mortgage broker, or servicer
    If you are a single-family lender, seller, mortgage broker, or servicer
  • 0-2
    If you are a multi-family lender or servicer
    If you are a multi-family lender or servicer
  • 0-3
    If you are an investor or to reach fixed income securities
    If you are an investor or to reach fixed income securities
  • 0-4
    If you are a homeowner, homebuyer, or realtor
    If you are a homeowner, homebuyer, or realtor
  • 0-5
    For technology application assistance
    For technology application assistance
  • 0-6
    For all other inquiries
    For all other inquiries
  • 5-4
    owner, home buyer or realtor
    owner, home buyer or realtor
  • 5-5
    For technology application assistance
    For technology application assistance
  • 5-1
    For the status of an existing ticket
    For the status of an existing ticket
  • 3-3
    reach fixed-income securities
    reach fixed-income securities
  • 3-4
    help with a mortgage loan
    help with a mortgage loan
  • 1-2
    If you are a multifamily lender or servicer, press 2.
    If you are a multifamily lender or servicer, press 2.