ExxonMobil Corporation
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1For Employee Verification, or Benefits Information
For Employee Verification, or Benefits Information -
2Seeking Employment Information?
3For Accounts Payable
4For Media Enquiries
5For Supplier Relations
For Supplier Relations -
6For Investor Relations
7For Consumer Relations including Gas Credit Card
8For supplier relations
6-6For investor relations
For investor relations -
4-3For media inquiries
For media inquiries -
4-4For supplier relations
4-5For investor relations
4-6For supplier relations
4-7For supplier relations
4-8For supplier relations
3-1Seeking employment information?
3-2For accounts payable
2-1For employee verification, or benefits information
8-5For Investor Relations
7-1For employee verification or benefits information
7-1-1proceed in English
7-1-2proceed in Spanish
7-1-1-1If you want to proceed in English
7-1-1-2For Spanish
7-1-1-3For media inquiries
7-1-1-4For supplier inquiries
7-1-1-5For supplier inquiries