Swedbank Och Sparbankerna
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
2Help with app or internet bank
3Advisory, loans and service
4Spare service
9For English
12Tryck personnummer 12 siffror
Press personal number, 12 digits -
10eller för företag organisationsnummer 10 siffror.
or for business, organization number, 10 digits. -
9-2Assistance with the app or internet bank
9-3Block services
Block services -
9-4Advise loans and service
Advise loans and service -
9-9For English
For English -
9Repeat the menu
4-1Identify yourself with your mobile bank-ID or your five-digit personal code
Identify yourself with your mobile bank-ID or your five-digit personal code -
4-2Indicate that you cannot identify yourself
Indicate that you cannot identify yourself -
4Repeat the menu
Repeat the menu -
4Go back to the previous menu
Go back to the previous menu -
3-2Internet banking
3-3Advice, loans and services
3-1Private matters
3Go back to the previous menu
2-1For self-service
2-2If you are a business customer and need help with the app or internet bank
2To return to the main menu
2Internet banking
Internet banking -
3Advice, loans, and service
Advice, loans, and service -
1-1Tryck personnummer, 12 siffror
Press personal number, 12 digits -
1-2För företag, organisationsnummer, 10 siffror
For business, organization number, 10 digits -
2-3Advisory, loans, and service
Advisory, loans, and service -
2-4Blocking service
Blocking service -
Self-service -
2-2Help with app or internet bank
Help with app or internet bank -
2-2-1You want help with the app or internet bank.
2-2-2You are a private customer and want help with the app or internet bank.
You are a private customer and want help with the app or internet bank. -
2-2You want to go back to the previous menu.
You want to go back to the previous menu. -
2-1-1Identify yourself with mobile bank-ID or your five-digit personal code
Identify yourself with mobile bank-ID or your five-digit personal code -
2-1-2Indicate that you cannot identify yourself
Indicate that you cannot identify yourself -
2-1Go back to the previous menu
9-2-1Assistance for private customers with the app or internet bank
Assistance for private customers with the app or internet bank -
9-2-2Assistance for corporate customers with the app or internet bank
9-2Return to the main menu
Return to the main menu -
9-2-9Not specified
9-1-3Select Style Service
Select Style Service -
9-1-4Select Service
Select Service -
9-1For self-service
For self-service -
9-2Assistance with the app or internet bank
Assistance with the app or internet bank -
9-3Advise, loans and service
Advise, loans and service -
9-4Block services
Block services -
9Repeat the menu
Repeat the menu -
3-1Private matters
Private matters -
3-2Help with app or internet bank
Help with app or internet bank -
3-3Advisory, loans and service
Advisory, loans and service -
3-4Blocking service
Blocking service -
3-9For English
For English -
3Repeat the menu
Repeat the menu -
3-1-1Personal matters
Personal matters -
3-1-3Advice, loans, and service
Advice, loans, and service -
3-1-4Spice service
3-1Go back to the main menu
Corporate matters -
Business matters -
3-3Gå tillbaka till föregående menu
Go back to the previous menu -
3-2-2Rådgivning, lån och service
Advisory, loans and service -
Private matters -
Corporate matters -
3-2Gå tillbaka till föregående menu
Go back to the previous menu -
9-2Repeat the menu
Repeat the menu -
2-1-3Spice Service
Spice Service -
2-1-4For English
For English -
2-1-1Help for private customers in app or internet bank
Help for private customers in app or internet bank -
2-1-2Help for business customers in app or internet bank
Help for business customers in app or internet bank -
Corporate matters -
3-1-2Rådgivning, lån och service
Advisory, loans and service -
3-1-3Stärkt service
Enhanced service -
Self-service -
3-1Upprepa menyn
Repeat the menu -
Private matters -
3-1-4Gå tillbaka till huvudmenyn
Go back to the main menu -
Internet bank -
2-2-1-3Rådgivning, lån och service
Advisory, loans and service -
9-2-9-3Spice service.
Spice service. -
9-2-9-4For English press 9.
For English press 9. -
9-2-9-1Are you a private customer and want assistance with the app or internet bank?
Are you a private customer and want assistance with the app or internet bank? -
9-2-9-2Are you a corporate customer and want assistance with the app or internet bank?
Are you a corporate customer and want assistance with the app or internet bank? -
9-2-9to return to the main menu.
To return to the main menu. -
9-2-2-2Klicka på 2.
Click 2. -
9-2-2Klicka på hash för att återgå till förrgången.
Click hash to return to the previous.