
Simple steps to connect

Phone number


How to call
  • 1
    If you are calling with an online query
    If you are calling with an online query
  • 2
    If you are calling with a store query
  • 3
    If you are calling about Matalan me
    If you are calling about Matalan me
  • 4
    If you are calling for anything else
    If you are calling for anything else
  • To hear the options again
    To hear the options again
  • To hear the options again
    To hear the options again
  • 2-2
    For store inquiries
  • 2-2-1
    If you are calling with an online query
    If you are calling with an online query
  • 2-2-2
    If you are calling with a store query
    If you are calling with a store query
  • 2-2-3
    If you are calling about Matalan me
    If you are calling about Matalan me
  • 2-2-4
    If you are calling for anything else
    If you are calling for anything else
  • 2-2
    To hear the options again
    To hear the options again