Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Get help with your online order
2Access Morrisons Mallcard information
3For doorstep customer phone orders
4Inquire about stores or other matters
5Need some help with your online order
5-1Need some help with your online order
5-2Morrisons Mall card information
5-3Orders over the phone as a doorstep customer
5-4Information about stores or anything else
3-1Need some help with your online order
3-2Morrisons Mallcard
3-3For doorstep customer orders
3-4Calling about stores or anything else
3-5Need some help with your online order
2-1Need some help with your online order
2-2Morrison's Mallcard information
2-3For doorstep customer orders
2-4Information about stores or anything else
1-1Get help with your order
1-2Chat about a delivery
1-3Get payment help or anything else
1-4Information about stores or anything else
1-2-1Get help with your online order
1-2-2Morrisons Mallcard information
1-1-1Help with your order
1-1-2Chat about a delivery
1-1-3Payment help or anything else
1-2-1-1Request a new Moor card
1-2-1-2Select anything else