Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1For inquiries about your mobile phone, 4G device, or tablet
2For products for the home, including broadband, email, TV, or sport
3To check if you can upgrade, add a new line or discuss cancellation
4For closed accounts, fraud, or device unlocking
5If your mobile has been lost or stolen
1-1For mobile phones
1-2For 4G Wi-Fi device, tablet, or connected laptop
1-2-1For mobile phones
1-2-2For a technical query
1-2-3To check if you can upgrade, add a new line or discuss cancellation
1-2To return to the main menu
1-1-1For mobile phones, 4G devices, or tablets
1-1-2To become an EE customer
1-1-3To top up a pay-as-you-go phone
1-1-4For closed accounts, fraud, or device unlocking
1-1-5If your mobile has been lost or stolen