Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1Get details about your local store or to buy technology
2For faulty products, repairs, tech help or to report a gas escape
3Deliveries, installation, recycling or items damaged on delivery
4Talk about your care services plan or credit agreement
5Help with something you've bought online or in-store
5-1Help with something you bought online
5-2Help with something you bought in store or for faulty products, repairs, tech help or to report a gas escape
4-1For faulty products, repairs, tech help or to report a gap.
4-2To get a new care services plan.
4-3If you're thinking of cancelling your care services plan.
4-4Got a question about your care services plan or to book a valet service.
4-5For help with your credit agreement.
3-1Get information about amazing technology
2-1To buy some of our amazing technology or to book a repair or tech help
2-2To get an update on an existing repair
2-3To report a gas escape
5-2-1For help with something you bought online
5-2-2For any other in-store purchase queries or promotion
5-2-4If you've got a credit agreement
5-1-1For help with something you bought online or to cancel an order
5-1-2Need to return something
5-1-3For any other online post purchase queries