Gweithredu Pwyllgor JD

Simple steps to connect

Phone number


How to call
  • 1
    Speak to someone about online contributions or company care themes
  • 2
    Inquire about contributions and their processing in the store
  • 3
    Discuss online contributions or if you are an employee in the store
  • 4
    If you are key accounts, press 4.
  • 5
    If you are key accounts, press 5.
  • 6
    If your call is about contacts, press 6.
  • 7
    If your call is regarding office inquiries
  • 8
    If you know the number of learning you need or for any other queries
  • For any other inquiries, please hold and we will transfer you to one of the
  • 6-2
    For inquiries about comparisons being made in the store
  • 6-3
    Write to our inquiries that can be emphasized
  • 6-4
    If you are an employee with us in the store and wish to write to the inquiries
  • 6-5
    If you are an employee with us in the care office and wish to write to the inquiries
  • 6-6
    If your call is regarding inquiries
  • 6-7
    If your call is regarding office inquiries
  • 6-8
    If you know the number of learning you need or if there are any other queries
  • 4-1
    For online order or to speak to customer care teams
  • 4-2
    For queries regarding purchases made in store
  • 4-3
    Speak to accounts payable
  • 4-4
    Speak to Payroll for store employees
  • 4-5
    Speak to Payroll for Head Office employees
  • 4-6
    For recruitment inquiries
  • 4-7
    For job vacancies at Archdale Distribution Centre
  • 4-8
    For JD Gyms customer care
  • 2-1
    If your call is about online contacts or you need to speak to any of our company care feelings, press 1.
  • 2-2
    For inquiries regarding comparisons being made in the store, press 2.
  • 2-3
    If you are speaking to our key accounts, press 3.
  • 2-4
    If you are key accounts, press 4.
  • 2-5
    If you are key accounts, press 5.
  • 2-6
    If your call is about contacts, press 6.