AMD Santa Clara
Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1speak to a customer care representative
2get directions to the Santa Clara location
0unknown action
4access the IT Service Desk
3assistance with Microsoft applications
1speak to a customer care representative
2get directions to the Santa Clara location
0reach the operator
4reach the IT Service Desk
1speak to a customer care representative
2directions to the Santa Clara location
0reach the operator
4IT Service Desk
3-1speak to a customer care representative
3-2get directions to the Santa Clara location
3-0reach the operator
3-4access the IT Service Desk
1-1speak to a customer care representative
1-2get directions to the Santa Clara location
1-0reach the operator
1-4access the IT Service Desk
0-1Speak to a customer care representative
1Repeat the menu options
1-4-1Speak to a customer care representative
1-4-2Get directions to the Santa Clara location
1-4-0Reach the operator
1-4-4Access the IT Service Desk