Simple steps to connect
Phone number
How to call
1reach customer service
2inquire about reservations
3billing inquiries
4roadside assistance
5vehicle information
7corporate accounts
8special offers
1-1To reserve a vehicle
1-2To update an existing reservation
1-3To speak with a representative about your Emerald Club account
1-4For roadside assistance
2-1Reserve a vehicle
3-1Reserve a vehicle
3-2Update an existing reservation
1If you're calling to reserve a vehicle
2If you would like to update an existing reservation
3To speak with a representative about your Emerald Club account
4For roadside assistance
5For all others
2For Spanish
1To reserve a vehicle
2To update an existing reservation
3To speak with a representative about your Emerald Club account
4For roadside assistance
1Reserve a vehicle
2Update an existing reservation
2For Spanish, press two.